We almost died in Tulsa and I'm pretty sure it would have been the funniest shit ever. I don't have all the pictures YET but bet your damn ass I'll post some here when I do. First of all, drinking & that heat makes you get so damn silly (um Sunday night....I wasn't in the right frame of mind, let me tell you). The trip started off really shitty. First of all we couldn't pick up our rental (didn't end up getting it until 5:30, nearly). WE GOT SIDE SWIPED ON THE WAY TO GET THE CAR. Alyssa and I were like "um, we should probably not leave the state, okay?" and needed a shot right away. The cop took 45 minutes to get there and then another 30 minutes to run our info.
So we finally got on the road about 5:30/6:00 and it was all down hill from there. We got through MI/IL like a breeze, like usual, once we hit STL it was storming something fierce. I am pretty sure we needed Noah's Ark to get through. Halfway through I took two stackers and decided to let the bitches sleep (love ya guys, srsly). QUOTE OF MY LIFE:
just saying guys, i'm about to have a heart attack and if we end up upside down in a ditch, you know why.
LMAO OMG I ALMOST KILLED US. They'd wake up every hour or two and ask if I was okay. So needless to assume, Smooth Criminal was in my head all weekend. As soon as I hit Oklahoma it was 95-100 on the turnpike, we rolled into Tulsa about 8:30/9:00 and I was ready for a drink. NO SERIOUSLY. We got to Ashley's and decided there was no sleeping and went to Woodland and Jamba (MMMMMM) and then Hong Kong for a lunch buffet. By the time we got back to the apartment, which is in Bixby, so it's a good decent drive outside of downtown and our shopping excursion area, we were ready to shower, make jewelry, and drink. Note to all: do your makeup/hair before drinking because you'll probably have purple and green eyes. We all were hot bitches.

After that went down it was back to the bar and I came back with double-fisting action of yumminess. By this time it was a one eyed time. I'm sure while we dance we looked like we were having seizures. Would explain Taylor & Zac's horrified faces!!! WHATEVER. I worked hard for this trip, I haven't done anything since APRIL. Kiss my butt. We left after AAR and I still didn't have enough so we needed to find a new bar. C had to use the bathroom so she hit McNellies (?? maybe i don't remember) and I was outside screaming at Shay to hurry up, she drove up from Louisiana. She also took an 8.5 hour trip into 6. She is the love of my life. C was in the bathroom for sixteen years so I had to go inside. She ripped me into the bathroom and goes: GUESS WHO THE FUCK IS AT THE BAR. I was hoping she was going to say Garth Brooks or my love Orlando Bloom (HAH I WISH) but no, it was Taylor. Not like our life that night could get any worse. She called Alyssa and she rushed over like Batman or some shit. They decided to buy shots for Taylor (oh god I needed another beer, fremboise FTW!). So after 15 minutes he didn't do it, they wanted to go revoke it (I would have done it, SoCo and all). LOL, oh they were Red Headed Sluts, minus jager which is sick shit, SoCo replaced it. Reminds me of last summer when Jillian & I drank a whole punch bowl of SoCo punch together. SO DAMN GOOD. He proceeded to ask if Alyssa was a red headed slut and then did the shots. I slammed the rest of my beer and was ready to call it a night. I would need 2 hours of sleep if we were going to have anymore encounters like this and thankfully, we didn't.
I can't even get into Saturday yet until I see the pictures, I had to step it up 20 notches though, that's for sure.
Saturday/Sunday will come tonight/tomorrow (YAY DAYS OFF)
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